By Kay Burton

Hair Care Tips While Traveling

After a year like 2020, it's hard to not have wanderlust.

Whether you're leaving for the holiday weekend or you have an upcoming trip planned, it's important to take good care of your hair when you're out of your usual routine.

If you caught the travel bug like us, check out the tips below to keep your hair in optimum shape while adventuring.


How to Prep


Nobody wants to spend their precious vaca-time in a hotel bathroom styling their hair. Instead, wash and style your strands before you leave and use dry shampoo to instantly refresh throughout your getaway. We are in full support of 2nd day hair (or 3rd or 4th - we don't judge).

If you are catching a flight, bring a hat or beanie to protect your hair from getting dry. It's easy for pressurized, recycled air to take your locks from fab to drab in a matter of hours.

Pro Tip: If you are traveling somewhere with dry air, deep condition your hair before styling so that your strands stay moisturized.


Pack Accessories


It's better to over prepared than to be under prepared. Do you ever pack 6 outfits for a 3-day trip? Because, same. You never know what you might need - and this goes for hair accessories as well.

Maybe you'll need to tie up your hair because of humidity, or need a headband for a spontaneous hike.

Our essential travel accessory list includes:

• Bobby Pins


Hair Ties




Learn a quick, go-to style


Now is the time to master hairstyles you can do on the go. Learn the art of the messy bun or a sleek, stylish pony you can do in minutes. The less time you spend on your hair, the more time you'll have to spend exploring.

Need ideas? Check out our blog post: 9 Easy Hairstyles You Can Do In Minutes for inspo.


Travel Size Bottles


Unless you are staying at a luxury hotel, hotel shampoo and conditioner is not the move. Some have harsh ingredients that will make your hair feel brittle and dry.

If you are using a carry-on, pack your quality products in travel size bottles as well as a mini-sized dry shampoo. There's no worse feeling than watching TSA toss your $45 shampoo bottle.


Avoid chlorine/direct sunlight to your hair


Creating a barrier between your locks and the sun when you aren't in the water is crucial. Accessorize smart and invest in a wide-brimmed hat or one of our new silk bandanas to keep the rays from damaging your hair and scalp.

If you are thinking about taking a dip in the pool, try to avoid getting your hair wet by wearing a messy bun. Because of the chemicals, chlorine allows your hair to be more susceptible to sun damage. If you do decide to dunk your head under water, rinse the chlorine from your hair ASAP when you get home. No blondes like the 'green tint'.



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